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Ansitz Zehentner

Traditional farm - Special family holiday in South Tyrol

A holiday at the farm Ansitz Zehentner in Laion in the Dolomites is a unique experience for children who can take part in the court life, feed the animals and play with them

Experience the farm - live the tradition. Enjoy nature. At our farm you will experience tradition and nature at first hand.

During each season there is something to do. Whether in the stall or on the field, in the house and among our guests, the variety is infinite. Farmer Meinhard runs the farm with lots of love and tireless diligence. Also his son Simon enjoys helping diligently where needed. In addition to the tractor, the huge meadows and fields, there are a lot of cows in the stall that need to be milked every day (dairy industry). Animals are part of the farm holiday. Kids can witness life on the farm by feeding and stroking the animals. Certainly an adventure. We exclusively heat with wood chips that come from our own forests.
An exciting day. Arrive as guest but leave as friend.